It's been a busy few months for us! Mommy apologizes for not updating everyone for awhile!!
So before we go into the details and pictures of our birthday, we will recap some of the highlights and one lowlight of August and September.
Gianna loves to go "camping"! So Daddy tries to take her camping in the backyard a few times a year. Here is one of those times =)
"I love CAMPING!" |
Camping by the fire! |
So here is the "lowlight"...Emerson has bilateral strabismus. In layman terms, lazy eye muscles in both eyes. Her eyes tend to drift when she isn't concentrating on anything or when she is tired. The pictures were taken at our 1st visit to the pediatric ophthalmalogist back in August. She surprisingly did well for the initial 2 1/2 hr appt.
However, it progressed so fast in her left eye that we had to go back in September to get it checked out again. It's at the point where her left eye wanders even if she is focusing on something.
Our next visit is coming up in October to get accurate measurements for correction of the eye muscles in both eyes. Once we get those done (if she cooperates), we will book her surgery and hopefully have it done some time in November.
"This place isn't too bad...(as long as I have my sippy cup and lovie!)" |
"Hmmm...what's behind that desk?" |
"I think I'm going to take a little break before the Dr comes in". |
Gianna started her first day of Pre-K at Mother's Day Out at our church preschool the 2nd week of August. She was super excited to go back this year and be in the Duck class! Can't believe it's her last year here!!
We went on vacation again at the end of August! We hadn't gone as a family since January. We had a blast and wanted to give a shout out to all the people that came down to spend some time with us in the pool! Thank you to Dadu (grandpa) and Lola (grandma) Baroi, Mr. Dick and Ms. Marianne Werschke, Ms. Kati and Chase Mitchell. We really appreciate you playing with us in the pool! Gianna was super excited because she was tall enough to ride the waterslide this year!
Daddy feeding us breakfast. Clockwise: Gianna, Cooper, Gabby, Emmy, Addy, and Riley |
Pool time! Left: Gabby, John, Riley, Addy, Meryl
Front: Gianna, Cooper, and Emmy |
First time ever we got to eat as a family! Clockwise: John, Emmy, Gabby, Meryl (taking pic), Addy, Gianna, Cooper, and Riley |
Big sis Gianna has been pretty active this summer as well! When she wasn't off to her ballet/tap dance class or playing soccer, she was designing "outfits" to wear and entertain us!
"Who is ready for Halloween, New Year's, or Mardi Gras?".....This girl is!! |
Gianna's end of summer dance demonstration. They did a tap number. She is in middle. |
Team Turbo warming up before a game! |
We took the kids to Disneyland for their 2nd birthday! It seemed like a HUGE undertaking, but Daddy and Mommy were pleasantly surprised how well it went and how much we enjoyed it (after crying the first minute of every ride). We got to wear our birthday buttons on our hats and hearing everyone wish us "Happy Birthday!" from ride to ride was pretty cool!!
Some of the rides we went on were Dumbo, Carousel, Small World, Jungle Cruise, and Winnie-the-Pooh. Not bad for only being there for 4hrs! But we ate the last hour so we got in 5 rides in 3 hours!! Daddy and Mommy brought us home and bathed us and put us to bed. Then they went back to the park with Gianna and rode the big people rides. We would like to give a GINORMOUS THANK YOU to everyone who made this day possible!! Grandpa and Grandma Ferraro, Mr. Javier and Ms. Arlene Lizarraga, Ms.Vicki Johns and granddaughter Lindsey, Mr. Steve and Ms. Karen Eckberg. Thank you so much for helping our Daddy and Mommy make this day such a fun one for us!
Left: (back): Riley, Emmy
Front: Cooper, Gabby, Gianna (as Belle), and Addy |
Small World (but nothing "small" about this entourage!)
1st Row: Meryl (forehead), Riley, and Gianna (not seen)
2nd Row: Ms. Karen, Emmy, and Mr. Steve
3rd Row: Cooper, John, Lindsey
4th Row: Ms. Vicki, Addy, Grandma
Lol....finally bringing up the rear, 5th row: Grandpa and Gabby.
Need we mention that we took up the whole boat?!? |
Riding ALL those rides sure makes us hungry and thirsty for pretzels, sippy cups, and frozen lemonades!!
Left: Riley, Gabby, Addy, Cooper, Emmy, and Gianna.
Since we couldn't celebrate at Disneyland with everyone, Daddy and Mommy had a little birthday party for us. They even splurged a little and rented us a Sesame Street bounce house! We all went in it before the party with Daddy and Mommy to get warmed up (sorry no pics!). Emmy was NOT a fan at all!! Gianna, Addy, and Cooper had the most fun. But during the party, only Gianna went back in. We just wanted to eat at our picnic table!
"Happy Birthday to You...." |
Cupcake time!!
Left: Addy, Cooper, and Emmy |
Riley and Gabby loving the frosting! |
Riley: "Why is everyone staring at me? Is there a booger in my nose?" |
Addy: "I am the neatest eater here!" |
Cooper: "Hey, don't'd look like this too if you only got to eat cupcakes on your birthday!!" |
Finally....Daddy and Mommy wanted to give a little tribute about each of us even though it might be a little embarassing for us later! (The colored text represents our individual colors...aka "color coding").
Happy 2nd birthday Gabby! You are very mysterious and like to just hang out and do your own thing. You are very sweet with your sisters and brothers but have a very mischievous streak in you! And for some reason the most accident prone among your siblings! We are still amazed how you helped Mommy by keeping all your brothers and sisters in utero as long as you did. We love you so much Gabs!
Happy 2nd birthday Riley! We can't believe how BIG you are! You are the friendliest of all your siblings always saying, "Hi!" to everyone and "Bye!" I know the trash truck, street sweeper, UPS truck, and FedEx truck drivers, and mailman appreciate your waves and greetings to them! We love you so much Bubbas!
Happy 2nd birthday Addy! Your spunk and athleticism totally rocks! We appreciate when you tell us who hit who. It really melts our hearts when we hear you sing to your sisters in your room. We still can't believe how you went from smallest to tallest and heaviest girl! We love you so much Ads!
Happy 2nd birthday Cooper! It is so humbling to see how much of a servant you are to your brothers and sisters! I think you've picked up as many "lovies" and sippy cups as Mommy has for your brothers and sisters! You are such a cuddler too! It's fun to watch cooking shows with you at night when you can't sleep. We love you so much Coop Coop!
Happy 2nd birthday Emmy! You are such a jokester and have an infectious laugh! Even though you are a "lap potato", you somehow are a dare devil and love furniture acrobatics! And the fact that you like to walk on your tip toes shows that you will love ballet/tap as much as your big sister Gianna does! We love you so much Ems!
Gianna, congratulations surviving the last 2 years with Daddy and Mommy! Although it's not your birthday, we would like to include you in our tribute. You are growing into quite the young lady we are so proud of and a great role model for your siblings...(most of the time!) We wanna list a few traits that we have come to love and appreciate about you!
THOUGHTFULNESS: For a 4yr old, you think about others a lot. Your concern for people's happiness and well-being astounds us! The pep talks, you give Daddy when he's had a hard day at work, are so sweet!
PERSERVERANCE: There are times Mommy has seen you in a situation where she would've given up but you just get back up and "shake it off". Whether it's sports, trying to make friends, or life in general.
MATURITY: You were dealt a very unique hand 2 years ago. And since then, you've just taken everything in stride. You take charge of the situation when no one's around. For example, when a sibling gets hurt and Mommy isn't in the room, your ability to assess the situation is pretty awesome! I can hear you open the freezer door, get Elmo "boo boo" out, rush to your sibling, put it on them, and hug them while saying, " you're ok!" You would make an awesome Trauma doctor or O.R nurse (no!
HUMOR: The things that go on in that mind of yours is beyond funny! We feel so bad that we haven't been consistently documenting all your "sayings" and thoughts! We hope you never lose your gift to entertain and help us stay young at heart!
And lastly, the way you let your light shine for Jesus is more than we could ever hope or ask for! We pray that you will continue your walk with the Lord and grow up to be the woman He has intended for you to be! We love you so much G!
Because our 18 mos check up was 3 months late, we don't go back to the Dr for our 2yr well visit until December. So look out for our updated Ht/Wt stats then! We will definitely get on Mommy to update the blog before then so you can keep up with our rapid growth!!