The last few months have been super busy for our family! Our big sister Gianna turned 4 in April. She is becoming quite a responsible little girl. She already does a few "jobs" around the house. She is really good at making her bed and there are certain toys that she has to clean up if they are played with. We try to help her sometimes, but she gets upset with us because it's her "job"!
We finally got a picture with Mommy! Gianna was at Dadu and Lola's house that day and Auntie Stephanie took our picture. Mommy hates taking pictures so we finally trapped her in the chair and forced her to take one with us! We haven't taken a picture with all of us in it and Mommy since our birthday last year.
From left back: Riley, Gabby, Meryl, Cooper
Front left: Emmy, Addy |
Gianna turned 4 on April 22. Our family got together to celebrate with her. Here is a picture of Gianna having a cupcake after she came home from school on her birthday. She is such a great BIG sister and is always trying to give us hugs even if we are playing and don't want one at the moment. She likes to dance for us, play tag with us, and sometimes tells Mommy when we are doing something we shouldn't. She is wrapping up her first year of pre-school. She is in the Caterpillar class at her school.
Gianna having a cupcake after she got home from school. |
Easter this year was fun for everyone! The Saturday before Easter, our cousins came over for an Easter egg hunt. Unfortunately, Mommy didn't get a chance to get any pictures because she was busy trouble shooting everyone running around since Daddy had to work that day.
On Sunday, our church had an Easter service at the local highschool football field which is close to our house so Daddy, Mommy, Grandpa, and Grandma pushed us in our strollers to church while Gianna got to ride in Daddy's backpack. Then we came home and played for a little while before lunch.
The family getting ready to walk to church. |
GRACE plus Gianna |
We love to swing! (Left: Addy, Gabby, Riley) |
Gianna and Emmy going for a joy ride.
Cooper thinks the little house is pretty cool! |
Now that Daddy trimmed the bushes outside our front window, we love to look at the people, cars, and trucks that come by. We scramble to the sofa to say "bye bye" to Daddy when he goes to work and also when Gianna goes to school. Every Monday morning we are eagerly awaiting for the trash trucks to come.
Riley and Cooper - See the garbage truck Mom! |
Mommy, Gianna and Gabby had a fun little outing. First they went to Mommy's work for a breakfast baby shower for one of Mommy's co-workers. Mommy says that everytime she sees a pregnant lady, her pelvis hurts. We have no idea what she is talking about but nod our heads to show sympathy. After the baby shower, Mommy took Gianna and Gabby to the mall to ride the carousel ride. This is one of Gianna's favorite things to do! Lucky for Gabby, she was next in the rotation to go out for one-on-one time, so she was Gianna's carousel buddy that day.
This is pretty cool! |
Are you having fun Gabby? |
Best... day... EVER! |
We like to act silly a lot! But Daddy and Mommy aren't always fast enough to capture us on video or camera. But this time, Mommy was able to catch Cooper wearing Gianna's play sunglasses while sucking on his "Dino". He was waving to Mommy, but by the time the camera snapped the pic, it looks like he's pointing at his head.
How ya doin' ? |
Daddy thought it would be fun (or absolutely nuts! - Mommy) to take us to the park near our house. It went way better than Mommy thought it would. Uncle Donny came with us and there were three stations for them. Uncle Donny was at the stairs to the slide, Daddy was at the top of the slide, and Mommy was at the bottom of the slide. After awhile, we didn't want to slide anymore and we wanted to climb up the slide, as evidenced by Emmy in the purple top. We didn't try running away......THIS time. But there is always a next time!
Left slide: Gabby and Addy Right slide: Emmy Top: Cooper and Riley |
Riley enjoying his freedom! |
We hope everyone had a fantastic Mother's Day and you did something really nice for your Mommy. Lola and Dadu came over and we ordered lunch and ate at home. Then we played outside after our nap. Once again, Mommy is sorry she didn't take any pictures with us that day!
Our "18 month" wellness check-up got moved again to end of June. We will be 21 mos. by then. And the next thing you know....we'll be back in 3 mos. for our 2 yr check-up! Where did the time go?!?
Mommy will post our ht/wt stats next month after we go to the Dr.
We would also like to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day! We appreciate all the men and women who help protect this country of ours and keep us safe! God bless you all =)
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